Special File/Folder Handling
You can define how ChronoSync handles special types of files and/or situations using the Special File/Folder Handling option group.
Verify Copied Data - Verifies the copied data after a synchronization has been executed.
Prune Folders - Any empty folder created by ChronoSync will be deleted before the synchronization completes.
Dissect Packages - Allows the individual contents of packages to be analyzed, then copied rather than the entire package.
Ignore Invisibles - By default, this setting is on. If turned off, invisible files will be included in the synchronization process.
Preserve Folder Access - The original ownership attributes of a folder that is being synchronized will be retained.
Resolve Aliases - Evaluates the file to which the alias points rather than the alias itself.
Preserve Comments - Preserves Finder/Spotlight comments associated with files and folders.

NOTE: Having 'Ignore invisibles' disabled while 'Preserve comments' is enabled may be redundant. This is because the invisible '.DSStore' file, which contains the Finder/Spotlight Comments for the files in each folder, will likely get copied.